
Final Article for ARW Autumn 2011

Before the start of the autumn term, I was very nervous. I heard that the freshman autumn term is the hardest in ICU, and I was not sure whether I can survive it or not. I was also worried about my essay. I had no confidence that I could write such a long essay.

However, this term was very meaningful and enjoyable for me. Not only I could write the essay but also I could enjoy the process. In the spring term, writing essay was just a painful work and I could have never imagined that the process would be interesting. Of course, it was very hard and difficult for me in this term, too, but I was surprised I could feel it also interesting and enjoyable.

Through this term, the most valuable thing which I could learn was that whether I can enjoy tasks or not is all up to me, and if I can enjoy the task, I can learn a lot of things. I really enjoyed the process of writing the essay, so I think I could learn much about essay. I will try to write better essay next time and enjoy the process again.

1 件のコメント:

  1. You wrote: all up to me...if I can enjoy the task, I can learn a lot of things.

    That is really true, and that may be one of the most important realizations for all learners to make.

    Nice reflection, Saya! Nice blogging with thoughtful reactions on each reading and a record of your step by step improvement of your essay.

    I hope you will continue to learn many things and blog about them!

