Today, I went to the music event in Shibuya O-EA
ST with my friend, which is "Tears of Today".
I didn't know any artists who performed today, but my friend likes one artist and he took me out to the event.
His favorite artist is "Hitorie".
If you are the heavy user of NICO-NICO Douga, probably you know the name of "wowaka", who is one of the most famous vocaloid producer. The vocalist of Hitorie is wowaka.
I didn't know much about such things, but Hitorie was so cool.
Actually, the artists who performed in this live were a little noisy for me (even though I'm used to the loud music!), but they were not noisy (loud, though). Simply, I liked their music very music.
This month, I can go to so many lives!
I will go to more than 10 lives this month, and three of them are next week.
I'm very happy!
You are really music lover!
返信削除I listen Hitorie!